Category: Exploring our full potential



    #pourlefrançaiscliquezici I do believe that in life there are three entities we should work on day in day out. Mindset, Mindfulness and Physical activity to be more precise I should say  « exercise ». Those are the things that taken together, will help us in our journey into this world. They are the driving forces that will…



    #pourlefrançaiscliquezici Mindfulness is defined in the dictionary as a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations. I’ve heard about mindfulness for the very first time on Impact Theory show when guests were talking about the benefits of integrating Mindfulness in…



    #pour-le-français-cliquez-ici I do believe that in life there are three entities we should work on day in day out. The Mindset, the Mindfulness and Physical activity. Those are the things that taken together, will help us in our journey into this world. They are the driving forces that will make us keep striving for whatever…



    #Pour-le-français-cliquez-ici In the dictionary, decision is defined by the act of or need for making up one’s mind. The word decision is from the latin “de-”, the meaning “from”, and “cidere” which means to cut. So, when you make a real decision about something, you cut away the possibility of anything happening except that thing.…